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AFM Sales Order Confirmation

This form must be completed when a client confirms that they would like to proceed with the works as outlined on the quote. This quote will be sent to the Operations Dept to schedule the works once all relevant information is received.

1) SALES CONTACT - Enter AFM Employee Name who sent this quote.
6) SERVICE CATEGORY - Please select the services the client requested in the agreed quotation.
11) SCOPE OF WORKS - Has a a detailed breakdown of the agreed scope of works been included in the signed quote. If not, this will require a Director's Approval.
15) EQUIPMENT RENTAL - please select the equipment that needs to be rented as part of this quote
17) SCHEDULE DATES - Select the days of the week & times these works can be carried out.
18) START DATE - What is the client's requested start date?
19) COMPLETE DATE - What is the client's requested finish date?
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