The interactive touch display can be customized with your logo using the SPRINTUS APP. In this way, new customers can be acquired, and the corporate design can be adapted and underscored. A language selection (DE, ENG, FR, IT) can be made. In the event of a fault, solution suggestions are shown on the display. In combination with the integrated Bluetooth interface, important device data such as operating hours, daily run time, location data can be transferred into the cloud-based fleet management and connected to commonly used ERP systems. Run times can be checked with the touch of a button, and property calculations can be adapted. In the display, additional data can be stored and called up, e.g. Property, user and customer data.
- Read out/synchronize device data via Bluetooth interface.
- Individualization via SPRINTUS APP in seconds.
- USB charging function.
- Operating LED, blue.
- HEPA13 fleece filter bag.
- Interactive touch display with current date and time.
- Infinitely adjustable ECO mode - 100 % LpA : 54 dB(A) - 50 % LpA : 49 dB(A).
- Four storage slots for accessories and three parking positions as standard.